Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Juice Day - Silent Day

Well, the juice part has turned out just fine but the silence hasn't been happening. It is very difficult to maintain silence when we have great classes and lectures going on and most involve some Q & A. I think perhaps maintaining a silent day on fasting day may be easier next week. Today began with a rebounder/stretch class and I have to tell you, I discovered that there is much more to rebounding that I ever knew, in spite of the fact that I have had one since my 30s and only a few years ago bought a new one. I have been trying to use it more of late but after a while just bouncing up and down on it gets boring no matter how good it is for your lymphatic system. Well, this morning we did 30 minutes of non-stop rebounding with Yvonne, the fitness director here, and it was incredible. I started the day thinking "I will really have to work up a sweat a few times today as it is a key day for de-tox what with the juicing all day". I didn't need to be worried. This was a workout the likes of which I've never done and most importantly, IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. I had to stop quite a few times to rest a bit and would just gently jog in place and then re-join her and I have to say this is one class I won't be missing if I can help it. After the 30 minutes on the mini-tramps we did 30 minutes of stretching which was a great way to end it. After that was time for first juice of the morning, after wheatgrass juice, of course, and then on to see the shrink for my stress evaluation. Two of these visits are a part of the entire program and I went with an open mind but unsure as to what the value might be. As with everything here, it was valuable as I managed to remind myself of the fact that if I'm going to make this work I need to be conscious as much as I can of my relationship with food. Given the length of my current lifetime that has become quite a relationship :-) and although I've never felt that I've had a "really bad" relationship with food it is going to require a shift and a high degree of honesty with myself to acknowledge and bring to light the rationales for eating certain foods. It is really so easy to say "I'm making this 'whatever' because someone is coming over but knowing that this person doesn't care whether I make it or not and it will be me eating the leftovers. Or just eating the wrong things out of boredom, ease, wanting comfort when I know that the best thing is to eat the live foods, be organized towards that (because it will take serious organization) and ease the boredom and get the comfort in healthy ways like staying active and seeing loved ones. I will look forward to having another chat with Andy before I leave.

This afternoon, in addition to my oxygen and infra red therapy I had a lymphatic massage and then aqua chi footbath which draws out all the toxins. This was not a pretty sight but was incredibly good in that it shows quite clearly when this whole detox process is working. It clearly is! Today we had 2 hours of Q & A with Brian Clement who is the Director of the Institute. I had heard from many people that he is a remarkable man and I would definitely agree. He is 60 years old, looks 40 and has been involved in this Live Food life for 35 years, taking over direction of the Institute after Ann Wigmore, its founder. He has a background in biology and was able to explain and answer many questions regarding the science of eating and drinking live foods, particularly the importance of wheatgrass juice and green juices. Again and again I hear from people here about the miracles that have taken place in their lives and bodies after doing this program, taking it home and continuing with it at home. People who return with recurrences of their illness almost to a person say they 'fell off the program' so have come back to get it back together. We heard many interesting stories through the Q & A but one that everyone should know about is a mother and daughter (10 years old) who are here with Lyme's disease. They are from Guelph, Ontario but the mom spent many years working up north and doctors have told her she gave her daughter Lyme's in utero. The daughter was diagnosed with every form of arthritis and a myriad of other ailments with no treatment being found for her pain. There are other issues involved with the mom that are complications from the Lyme's but I can see a difference in this child in just this week and it's a joy to see her smiling. She is on a very specialized program, not our adult one. Brian told us that Lyme disease has become epidemic in some parts of the U.S. and Canada and that everyone should ask to be tested for it if they have symptoms that cannot be explained by other tests. Very little is known about it and apparently the 'experts' treat it with drugs that have shown no ability to cure it.

I didn't think I would be going on this long about everything but it has been a very filled day with more to come and wanted to share as much as I could. It's time for 5:30 liquid dinner before a 6:00 treatment and then a lecture on Neuromuscular work so I will sign off for now. I am having a most wonderful time and throughout the day I am often wishing that all of you could be here with me. I'm sure I'm getting a loud guffaw from some of you at the prospect of doing this but I don't think there are any of you who wouldn't like the feeling of GREEN. Lots of love, Sally xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sally,
    Just wanted to let you know I've enjoyed reading what you've written so far. I am so happy you were able to arrange your life to experience the Hippocrates lifestyle firsthand. I envy you and wish I were there. So I am doing the next best thing and going to Erica's tomorrow for her full-day hands-on workshop. We'll be making raw food all day. Can't wait! I've been doing a fairly good job of incorporating the basic things Erica showed and taught us during our weekend, but I need more examples and a refresher on some things... so tomorrow will be a good thing.
    Can't wait for your next entry. Hope the detoxing side effects have been minimal for you. Take care.
