Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy at Hippocrates Health Institute

In fact, 'happy' doesn't begin to describe the feeling here. Spence and I were up at 3:30 a.m. and out of the house by 4:15 for the airport so I was thinking maybe I'd be too sleepy to blog anything tonight but it is such an amazing place I just had to tell you about it. First of all, I think they must put something more than wheatgrass in the juice here as I have never seen a happier bunch of people anywhere. Everyone, guests and staff included, is friendly, smiling and helpful. Hey, folks, maybe 3 weeks of this lifestyle will improve this old disposition! I have a lovely cottage with an indoor sitting area and also a screened in porch that is all shaded so I am hoping that these days won't make it too hot to be out there. It is definitely hot here with temp today around 89 but humidity is also about 89% so it is very warm. After leaving AZ's dry 90s it is a big difference but even all of the green everywhere makes it feel conducive to health. That lush, ozone, earthy smell that I love is everywhere and in this particular area it feels like being in a rainforest. A young guy from Maple, ON showed me where the gym is as that's where I am right now, using the wifi. Looks like they've got some great equipment and I look forward to exercising, more than my fingers on the keyboard, tomorrow. The morning tomorrow should be fairly quiet as the new guests begin to check in tomorrow and the afternoon begins our orientation with an excursion, orientation and a tour of the grounds. This will be good as I am somewhat "lost" at the moment what with lots of winding pathways with quiet, resting spots interspersed and the jungle-like gardens all around. Monday will begin the program starting with blood work being done prior to breakfast and activities beginning. Looking at the schedule they've given me this will include 4 separate one hour exercise classes and they all look great! It also appears that the days will be very different with many different exercise classes and lectures on topics of health.

Dinner was great but although I knew that garlic was a big part of this lifestyle and I do love garlic, I really overdid it when I put a couple of teaspoons of blended garlic on an amazing salad with avocado dressing. My wasabi experiences pale in comparison :-). We also had a salad of different summer squashes sliced up with onions, red peppers, orange peppers with a tamari dressing that some people put into a sprouted grain tortilla wrap or wrapped in big collard green leaf. I just ate the salads. I will have to try some of these new things as everyone said tonight's dinner is always very light because there are so few people here and that it will be full of more choices every other night. I thought it was great as it was.

I will say good night for now and wander the grounds a bit more before dark. I do believe this may be one of the best adventures ever. I will try to share as much of it with you as I can. Love, Sally xoxo

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