Sunday, May 23, 2010

Best laid plans and all that.........

So much for my great plans for improving on my blogging time last week. As we slide into the third week I give up. I will maybe have a bit more free time this week. I will maybe not. That just seems to be the way of life's pace at

We had some really wonderful lectures this week; two with Brian, Principles of Health and also Supplements, Herbs and Homeopathy and one wth Anna Maria on Ancient and Current Self-Help Techniques (much like reminders of Grandma's home remedies). We have been so blessed to have both Brian and Anna Maria for the entire 3 weeks. This is very unusual as they travel a lot but they have a son still in school so they stayed until the end of this month and then head to Europe to do their summer lecture circuit there and see Anna Maria's family in Sweden. They are both gifted speakers and their passion for their mission of helping people help themselves to find total health through food and lifestyle comes through in everything they say and do. They have a joy in living and a vibrancy in their being that is not found often and is completely infectious. So much so, that I am very seriously considering coming back for the Hippocrates Educator Program in October. I feel that it would solidify my base so that I can enjoy a depth of knowledge and personal growth along the way that will enbable me to establish a strong foundation for myself on this path that I really feel God has put in front of me and is asking me to pick up. The abiliy to share it with others who want to hear about it will be much more fun the deeper I go into the nutritional aspects. As many of you know, I studied a lot about nutrition back in the ashram days but this goes way beyond simple vegetarianism and today's scientific studies offer new insights into the healing qualities of many foods and confirm old insights into thousands of others. I am very excited about the thought of coming back to do the educator program.

We have had two great lectures this week from the woman here who does lymphatic massage. A general lecture Thursday night was for everyone about the things we can do ourselves to keep the lymphatic system healthy and moving and yesterday a really valuable one on lymphatic breast massage. It was attended only by women but she said her own dad has breast cancer and that more men should have come, also, as the incidence of it in males is on the rise. Anyhow, it was incredible and women here who are doing it (while here same as me for 3 weeks) are having lumps moving out and fibrous tissue softening and you can actually feel the toxins leaving and going into the lymphatic system to be dumped by the bloodstream as they should be. She reminded again of how important it is to wear nothing that can constrict lymphatic flow such as tight fitting bras, underwires, tight-waisted pants or if you do wear them to practice self lymphatic massage every day. This is just another one of those things we've learned that makes complete sense but our doctors never tell us about it. Do they even know about it? This lymphatic massage, for instance, can improve one's lymphatic drainage and therefore immune health almost immediately, so that this most important system of the body can do its job to fight off the baddies.

Before I go I want to tell you how amazing the graduation was on Friday for the 3 weekers who were heading home. To see the fellow who came weighing in at 440 and leaving at 382 committed to stay on his game. The gentleman with pancreatic cancer and his wife who, then they arrived 3 weeks ago, he was so ill he was going to head back home to die but the flooding in Tennessee where they are from wouldn't allow it.
He was up laughing with us and sharing how great he was feeling and he was as healthy looking as any of us having been kind of gray/yellow when he arrived. Way too many others to share them all but all shared a joy at being given a second chance to get bodies to wellness again. They are having incredible results here with pancreatic cancer and also prostate, both of which used to be the toughies. They have always had miracles occur on the program with the other types of cancer. I think I mentioned earlier that two women met here who both have a very rare type of cancer called leiomyosarcoma. I will have to read about that one to see what it's all about but both of these women are doing really well, much better than when they arrived and full of hope for a joyful future. It really is so very simple. We keep saying that to ourselves all the time, shaking our heads and wondering why everyone doesn't know about this. More and more do and as I mentioned many medical types are bringing themselves here but still not enough sending their patients here.
Once again, I ramble on when I get the will say bye to all for now with much love and healthy........

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to you coming home Sally. We're all missing you!
    Hugs from all the Watersons......
