Monday, May 10, 2010

Blogging not as easy as I'd hoped......

I am going to try my best as I really want to share this experience with everyone but we are very busy with so much good stuff that it is difficult to find the time to blog. Next week and the following, I'm told the pace will slow down some as we will have more of a routine to our days. Meanwhile, it is quite amazing for sure. There are people here from all over the world with varying health issues ranging from stage IV breast and ovarian cancers, advanced and rare cancers of other types to people with no health issues at all who simply know the benefit of this incredibly wonderful green, living food, lifestyle. There are several here with the similar goals to mine to cleanse/detox and begin the weight loss process. There are state of the art therapies that we will be experiencing as they are an important part of the program and I will describe those as I get to them. Tonight I will have my first, VioFor, and will go off shortly to read more about it so I know what is happening. Today, we had blood drawn, both for lab work and live cell analysis and that particularly was most interesting. The nurse projected my 'live' (just a pin prick) blood on a screen through a dark field microscope and although I'm not fully up on the science of it to explain it, it was able to show some very important aspects of my bodily health. It shows whether the cells are able to move around freely or cling together (which mine did) which indicates they are not as healthy as the guys who can roam freely. I will know far more about that over the next few days when we have lectures on the topic. Also, some interesting things appeared to be scooting around and when I asked quickly what they were was told they were parasites. Now, before you start thinking you'll never hang with me again, apparently a lot of us have them and can easily get them from food, water, etc. I'm told they won't be able to survive on what I'm doing here along with supplements I've started and that we will see none when I do my next blood tests in the third week. I'm eager to see!

The food is amazingly green (do you see a theme here?) with sprouts of every size, shape, plant and grain and I have to tell you that after two days I am finding the
tiny red, orange and yellow peppers to be as sweet as a dessert. Today is avocado day so lunch had all the usual lettuces and sprouts along with half stuffed avocados and other dressed salads. I really feel like I am eating the way God intended and it feels quite wonderful. When I asked the doctor specifically about weight loss this morning she laughed and said "don't bother to worry about weight loss, just focus on getting cleansed and de-toxed and the weight loss will take care of itself". I know it's true as eating this nutritionally rich food has me feeling quite full all the time. We don't have a breakfast scheduled but green juices are served at 9, 11 and 4:00 and lunch at 12:30-2 and dinner 5:30-7 and in between we are to have wheatgrass twice a day which we can juice ourselves whenever we want to have it. It is incredibly potent so I am taking it somewhat easy on it these first few days as I already have some de-tox symptoms........headache both yesterday afternoon and today and quite tired. I started today with a great yoga class and wanted to end it with QiDong class but the headache was just a bit too debilitating. I am told in a few days it will pass and someone in here just told me that by next week I will be feeling better each day....can't wait! Tomorrow, we won't have all of the medical appointments that we had this morning so I'll be able to partake of the early morning walking which I'm looking forward to. I am also daily doing an infra-red oxygen therapy which involves laying on an infra-red bed which warms the core of the body while breathing 95% pure oxygen. It is amazing for any nasty little cells that may be lurking in my body as I'm finding that cancer doesn't like oxygen so if there is anything there that I'm not aware of it is getting eliminated. Also I can use the exercise machines while using the oxygen which allows one to exercise longer and better than without which will give my metabolism a boost to aid in my weight loss project.

Those were just some of the exciting things that happened today and tomorrow there will be even more without the visits to the medical types. It makes each day a grand, green adventure and I am loving it. Be in good health, dear friends and I will talk to you again as soon as time permits. Lots of love, Sally xo

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